Development =========== This project comes with a full test suite. To install development and testing dependencies, use: .. code:: pip install -e ".[test]" To run the tests, just type ``pytest``. To also run some slow integration tests, use ``pytest --runslow``. To properly test builds on Windows, you need both a recent version of Visual Studio as well as VS2015, patch 3. Older versions of CPython required portable C/C++ extensions to be built with the same version of VS as the interpreter. Use the `Developer Command Prompt`_ to easily switch between versions. Cythonize --------- pysimdjson is written using `Cython`_. However, by default ```` will use the already-generated ``csimdjson.cpp`` instead of regenerating it. This is to avoid making Cython an install-time requirement. To force the usage of Cython, use ``BUILD_WITH_CYTHON``: .. code:: BUILD_WITH_CYTHON=1 python develop This will cause Cython to regenerate the ``csimdjson.cpp`` from the ``csimdjson.pyx`` and ``csimdjson.pxd`` files. To build pysimdjson with support for linetracing and coverage, use ``BUILD_FOR_DEBUG``: .. code:: BUILD_WITH_CYTHON=1 BUILD_FOR_DEBUG=1 python develop pysimdjson will also reuse the generated .so file if you build it more than once, so to force Cython to rebuild it, use ``FORCE_REBUILD``: .. code:: BUILD_WITH_CYTHON=1 FORCE_REBUILD=1 python develop Benchmarks ---------- The benchmarks that used to exist in this project have been moved into a sister project, `json_benchmark`_. This project contains a number of benchmarks for various JSON libraries, including pysimdjson. It also tests for correctness, so it can be used to verify that simdjson is working correctly. .. _Developer Command Prompt: framework/tools/developer-command-prompt-for-vs .. _Cython: .. _json_benchmark: