pysimdjson ========== .. toctree:: :caption: Contents: :hidden: :maxdepth: 4 :titlesonly: self performance dropin native .. toctree:: :caption: Development: :hidden: contrib/index.rst contrib/changelog.rst license Python bindings for the `simdjson`_ project, a SIMD-accelerated JSON parser. If SIMD instructions are unavailable a fallback parser is used, making pysimdjson safe to use anywhere. Bindings are currently tested on OS X, Linux, and Windows for Python version 3.9 to 3.12. Installation ------------ If binary wheels are available for your platform, you can install from pip with no further requirements: .. code:: pip install pysimdjson Binary wheels are available for the following: +--------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+---------+ | | x86_64 | ARM64 | PowerPC | +--------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+---------+ | Interpreter | OS X | Win | Linux | Linux | Linux | +==============+=======+=======+=======+=========+=========+ | CPython 3.9 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +--------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+---------+ | CPython 3.10 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +--------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+---------+ | CPython 3.11 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +--------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+---------+ | CPython 3.12 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +--------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+---------+ When binary wheels are not available, a C++11 (or better) compiler is required when installing in order to build the underlying simdjson library. If you would prefer to always install pysimdjson from source even when pre-compiled binaries are available (to take advantage of a newer compiler for example), use: .. code:: pip install pysimdjson --no-binary :all: .. admonition:: Packages :class: tip pysimdjson is also available from unofficial packages contributed by the community. You can currently get it from Gentoo and conda-forge. Note these may lag behind in releases. .. _simdjson: .. _LICENSE: